Home Safe Home is a short documentary series presenting personal stories of families affected by farming and ranching accidents.
This series was created in partnership with The University of Texas at Tyler’s Southwest Ag Center with the mission to help reduce occupational injuries among agricultural workers and their families.
Ep. 01 | The Dineens
Ep. 02 | The Reeds
Ep. 03 | The Cleeres
Ep. 04 | Grant Heinrich
We were thrilled when the S.W. Ag center tasked us with creating this series. They said they wanted a set of videos about the importance of occupational safety on the farm — but something character-driven that would speak to the heart and not just the head.
We knew this was right up our alley.
We spent a day and a half shooting with each family and shot a combination of interviews and vérité footage. Some days we filmed from sun up until well past sun down in order to spend as much time as possible getting to know their stories. We felt honored to see what their lives are like and it was a great reminder of the hard and dangerous work that goes into producing food for communities across the country.
Behind-the-scenes (a few hastily taken, unedited, iPhone shots)